Case Study:
Building up a global HR Expert Team

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Global HR transformation from bottom-up, leveraging internal best practices and global HR synergies.
- Decentralized HR structures across multiple international HR departments
- Lack of global coordination and collaboration
- Inconsistent HR processes and hidden best practices
- Strategic decisions without a data basis
Kayser Automotive used TraSy to independently and systematically capture all HR processes along the Employee Life Cycle.
To achieve the set target of forming a global HR excellence team, they have chosen a full survey approach to gain a complete overview of their HR process landscape
Within four weeks, all global HR processes were captured and mapped, an HR knowledge base was created, all international HR best practices and HR experts were captured, task forces were formed, and global HR harmonization had started.
- “Without Trasy, every HR measure is like flying blind in the fog.”
Saved 80% of the costs compared to an analog HR analysis
Revealed all global HR processes and best practices within four weeks
Improved the exchange between your HR locations